Scroll Cursor down in each menu to view each restaurant
Update: Due to Covid, please call for business safety practices
A critiqued guide designed to help save time, money, and frustration in finding the right place for your dining experience.
So many places, so little time! With our help, we may be able to narrow down some places for you! If you have the time, perhaps we can help you find a place you haven't been to yet or have been wanting to try and have been afraid too! Whatever it may be...a good happy hour, a nice selection of beer,
​a great burger, or fine dining...let us help! Email us on the contact page and we will do what we can.
In the meantime, we hope what we have so far can help some.
Todd and I really do live on a very strict income, so when we go out like this, it is a treat and we expect a certain level of service and food, and we expect this for you too...this is why we are here. To help you.
bon appétit!
How we rate for Bites:
​Ratings are based on quality, quantity, taste, appearance, and temperature of the food as well as service and ambiance.
How we rate for Barstools:
Ratings are based on pricing, taste, appearance, and size of libation as well as service and ambiance.
Star Legend
5 stars - Excellent and would definitely go here again!
4 stars - Very good and I would go here again!
3 stars - Good. I will go again but may look for other options.
2 stars - Fair. I would not go out of my way to eat here, but if someone was footing the bill...okay.
1 star - Poor/bad. I would not eat here again.
Pricing Legend
$ - Under $10.00
$$ - $10.00 - $25.00
$$$ - $25.00 - $50.00
$$$$ - Over $50.00